Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to School: 13 Things to Keep In Your Locker

Hi there! Whenever I go back to school shopping, among the many school supplies on my shopping list are a few items for my locker. If you're looking for some ideas of what to get to deck out your locker this upcoming school year, keep on reading!

1.  Locker mirror - Whenever I have a mirror in my locker, I find it especially handy between classes during my breaks, just to make sure that I don't have anything funky on face or anything stuck in my teeth.

2.  Toothpicks - If I did have anything stuck in my teeth, the toothpicks in my locker can come to rescue!

3.  Magnets and photos - Magnets always come in handy when you want to have a note or something to remember in your locker.  You could also stick some photos of your friends or magazine cut outs or anything with in your locker and hang them up with magnets.

4.  Class schedule - We all have those days when we just completely forget our class schedule, so I've always kept a spare copy in my locker, binder, and agenda.  If your school hands out schedules that don't fit properly in your locker, make a new one on your computer and print it out!

5.  Novel - Whenever my phone runs out of battery and I have a long-ish ride home, I'm always really annoyed about it because I'll have absolutely nothing to do.  But whenever I have a novel to read, it makes it all better.

6.  Magnetic whiteboard and markersThese come in really handy when you have something important to remember and you just need to jot it down somewhere to make sure that you remember it.  Or you could just draw some nice designs on it, you know, whichever.

7.  Magnetic containers and/or hooksSticking these on the sides of your locker and stuffing them with extra things that you might need throughout the day can really help keep you organised.

8.  Spare EVERYTHING - By everything, I really do mean everything.  Well, everything that you would need...  Spare hair ties, bobby pins, outfit and hoodie for when it gets cold, pens, and pencils.  Stick all of the little things (aka everything except for the spare outfit and hoodie) in the little magnetic containers I mentioned before.

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9.  Post-its - I'm kind of obsessed with post-its and use them quite frequently throughout the day.  I tend to jot little notes down and kind of stick them everywhere.  Throughout your day, you might need to write a quick note down for someone, which is when having spare Post-its would come in handy.

10.  Extra loose leaf paper - I'm someone who uses loose leaf paper, so inevitably, I run out of it.  I also know how annoying it is to have someone constantly ask me for paper (not that annoying, but annoying enough), so that's why I always try to keep a generous stack in my locker.

11.  "Emergencies" bag - If you are a female, you're probably going to know what I mean.  Yeah.

12.  Breath mintsThis was also included in my backpack essentials post because I'm (and I'm sure a ton of other people, as well) someone who often forgets to throw another box of breath mints in my backpack once I run out, so it's always nice to have an extra box in my locker.  If your school allows you to chew gum, go for it!

13.  Locker shelf - Despite the size of your locker, whether you have a long one or half of one, a locker shelf is key to keeping it organised.  I like to keep my class binders and notebooks on the shelf and stick shoes or stuff that I don't mind getting dirty underneath that.  

What are some of your locker essentials?  Were there some items on this list that you didn't think of before?  Please leave me a comment down below sharing your thoughts!

Thanks for reading!
- J


  1. I wish my school locker was big enough to fit all those things, I barely have any space for my books haha.

    By the way, I love the magnetic whiteboard idea :)

    1. Aw, that sucks, but I'm glad you still got some ideas from this post and that it helped you anyway!

      - Juliana
